Business Year End
For those of you who are in business and have your business year end already to submit for tax time, I congratulate you on a job well done. You can now contribute to your RRSP for 2018.
For those of you who had their business year end completed by the end of February and were able to determine how much $$$$$ you could put to an RRSP, I congratulate you on a job extremely well done. You were able to contribute to your RRSP and increase its value as well as give you an edge on the taxes you will have to pay or the refund you will receive this year.
For those of you who procrastinate and end up running to your Accountant to get your taxes done in the middle of April or at the end of April, shame on you, what are you waiting for?
Some people do not get their taxes done early because if they have to pay they do not want the Government to have their $$$$ too soon. One way you can alleviate this situation, is to write a post dated cheque for what you have to pay but be sure to HIGHLIGHT THE DATE!! To avoid any misunderstanding on both parties. This way you will be paying for your taxes on time but the cheque cannot be cashed until April 30. Also if more people got their taxes done earlier than the middle or late April, the Accountants would have more time to explain things to you without having to rush to get yours as well as others filling done.